The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) team investigating the death of Sushant Singh Rajput had formed a team of forensic experts from AIIMS (All India Institute of Medical Sciences). The forensic team will state in its report based on the investigation of Sushant's viscera and autopsy that Sushant committed suicide or was killed. Now, this forensic team is coming up with some information related to the investigation. After which, it is believed that the CBI team will proceed from the angle of incitement to suicide in this case.
According to Channel Times Now, sources said that the forensic team did not find any toxic substance in Sushant's body during their investigation. At the same time, his DNA sample has also been matched. However, Cooper Hospital's autopsy report is said to be still under investigation. AIIMS's forensic team has raised some questions over Cooper Hospital's autopsy report. The team believes that where Sushant's body was autopsied, there should not have been as much light.
The Chairman of the Forensic Medical Board of AIIMS, Dr. Sudhir Gupta said, "Sushant Singh Rajput's death is in the AIIMS and CBI agreement but needs further discussion." Some legal aspects need to be considered for a logical legal conclusion over time. It will be absolutely crucial. '
A few days back, Vikas Singh, a lawyer for Sushant Singh Rajput's family, claimed, "A doctor from the AIIMS team informed me that Sushant's death was not due to murder but to strangulation." However, the doctor denied all these claims.
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