The Narcotics Control Bureau is investigating the Sushant Singh Rajput case from a drug angle. On the one hand, Bollywood celebrities are being interrogated by sending summons, on the other hand, drug peddlers are also being cracked down on. On Saturday, Deepika Padukone, Sara Ali Khan and Shraddha Kapoor were questioned. The mobiles of the trio were confiscated and after interrogation, when the officers interpreted the statements of the trio, their heads shook. This is because the statement of the trio and Deepika's manager Karishma Prakash is the same.
NCB gets common answers to common questions
Deepika Padukone and her manager Karishma Prakash were questioned at the NCB guesthouse on Saturday. Sara Ali Khan and Shraddha Kapoor were interrogated at the NCB office at the exchange building. Everyone was interrogated for 4 to 6 hours. Interestingly, when the NCB started analyzing all the statements after the interrogation, they were amazed that the answers to the questions that were common to all four inquiries were the same.
Deepika said - Mal, hash, weed is the codeword
when NCB asked Deepika Padukone about the drug chat with Karisma, she said, this chat is hers . When Deepika was asked about 'goods', 'hash' and 'weed', she said that in her circle, goods means cigarettes. Hash means thin cigarette and weed means big cigarette.
A similar statement was made by Karisma.
Soon after Deepika's interrogation, the NCB team reached Karisma in a side room. Plain paper was taken and asked to explain the meaning of goods, hash and weed. Karisma wrote on paper what Deepika had said. Not only that, when Sara Ali Khan and Shraddha Kapoor were asked about drug culture and buying or buying drugs in Bollywood, they answered in the same words as Deepika and Karisma.
Did the same lawyer give training to all four?
Officers involved in the investigation believe that the three actresses and Karisma, all of them took part in the interrogation after proper training. Most likely, all three are in contact with the same lawyer or the same group of lawyers. The NCB's suspicions are deepened because not everyone has the same answer. The question is, what are the three hiding? Is there an attempt to save someone?
Deepika's message will be retrieved, three actors' phones on surveillance
NCB is now searching the phones of all the three actresses for the same reason. It is being said that the deleted messages of Deepika's phone will also be retrieved. The investigating agency is confident that the deleted messages could lead to more revelations. Meanwhile, the NCB has placed surveillance on the phones of three big Bollywood actors. That being said, these three are A-list actors and may be questioned soon.
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