Chandigarh: The third accused in the Nikita Tomar murder case, Ajru, has also been arrested by the police. It was Ajru who provided the native kattas used in the murder to Tausif. Police raided several places to catch Azru, after which he was arrested from Noon district of Haryana. The arrest was made by the Faridabad Crime Branch.
It is worth mentioning that at around 4 pm on October 26 in Ballabhgarh, Faridabad, Tausif, along with his partner Rehan, shot Nikita Tomar in the head in broad daylight. During interrogation in remand, Tausif has confessed his crime.
CCTV footage of this massacre also came to light, in which Tausif is first seen attempting to kidnap Nikita, but not getting success, he is shot in the head and escapes from a white car. In this case, the police have recovered the vehicle and the weapon used in the murder.
On the third day after the assassination of Nikita Tomar, there was tremendous outrage among the people. In protest against this massacre, people gathered on Sohna Road on Wednesday and demanded that the accused be hanged soon. On the other hand, Special Investigation Team (SIT) has been formed by the administration in this serious murder case.
The SIT team went to the home of the deceased Nikita Tomar and met her family members. In this case, the SIT team will also send Nikita's mobile from the family for forensic investigation. Home Minister Anil Vij said that the government will conduct an inquiry with love jihad, forced conversion and other approaches.
Vij gave instructions to the Additional Chief Secretary in this regard on Wednesday. On Wednesday, the SIT team also went out to search for Tausif's mobile. In fact, after Nikita's murder, Tausif broke his phone and set up a hideout, which is now being searched by the SIT team.
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