Yogasana helps you to get rid of many problems. Stress, distance from exercise, lack of fibrous foods to eat, not eating on time, these are the reasons that cause stomach problems. It exacerbates the problem of acidity, constipation, and indigestion. It can be relieved with the help of yoga. To do yogasanas like yoga mudra, pavanmuktasana and shitali pranayama for him.
Falling asleep with back burns. Combine both legs and keep them straight near the waist. Slowly bring the right leg to the chest and hold it with both hands. Do this again with the left foot. Then do this exercise by bending both legs together. Wait a few seconds and come back.
Benefits: Digestive power remains good. Beneficial for the spine. Relieves lower back pain.
Do not do this time: In case of leg pain or hernia. Sit in any asana or sukhasana for
cool pranayama
meditation. Keep the spine straight. Keep eyes closed and body normal. Pull your tongue out of your mouth. Bend the edge of the tongue in such a way that one of its shapes becomes like a pipe. Now inhale. Take the tongue inside again. Close the mouth and exhale through the nose. This happened in a cycle. To do 8 to 10 cycles in this way.
Benefits: Provides cooling to body and mind. Is helpful in the treatment of acidity. It helps control hunger and thirst. Helps reduce anger.
Not to do at this time: When the weather is polluted or it is very cold in the morning and night. Sit in the
yoga posture
Padmasana. Those who cannot sit in Padmasana can sit in Arpadmasana or Sukhasana. Now hold the wrist of the other hand with one hand behind the back burn. Try to bring your forehead to the ground, slowly tilting the body forward. Exhale while doing it. Take a few seconds to breathe slowly and then return to normal.
Benefits: Relieves constipation, indigestion, acidity. Strengthens the muscles of the back, waist and abdomen. Helps you reduce excess fat on the abdomen.
Do not do this at this time: When knee pain occurs or hernia occurs.
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