A video of Italian police going viral on social media. According to the information received, the police, with the help of a Lamborghini vehicle, delivered the kidney on time to a hospital located 500 km away for transplant. He saved a life by delivering the kidney on time. People on the internet are praising the work of the police.
Italian police shared a video of the incident on Twitter saying, "Thanks to our Lamborghini, we delivered the donor kidney on time for one person's transplant." You don't need a superpower to save a life. This requires unity, technique and efficiency.
What's in this video?
You can see the policeman putting a donor kidney in a Lamborghini car and then driving the Lamborghini at a speed of 230 kilometers per hour. The policeman drives the car and delivers the donor kidney to the hospital 500 km away in time for transplant. It usually takes 6 hours to cover such a long distance. Also, this policeman saved the life of one person by covering this distance in just 2 hours.
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