New Delhi: Tata Motors has moved ahead with the launch of the 6-seater Tata Harrier. The 6 seater version of Tata Harrier is to be launched under the company name Tata Gravitas . The company will be launched as a flagship SUV. The company plans to launch Tata Gravitas in the last quarter of this year. However, the company has now had to extend the launch date of the car and it is now being speculated that the company may launch the car in the next quarter of next year.
These features of
Tata Harrier will be found in this car will see many similarities of Tata Harrier. Because this is a bigger version of the Tata Harrier. The front end styling and mechanics features of the car will be the same as the Harrier. Rear passengers will get more headroom than a carrier in a car. For which the company has to use more toll roof in this car.
How much will it cost?
No official information about the price of the Tata Gravity has come to light yet but it is believed that the starting price of the car could be around Rs 15 lakh. In India, the car will compete with cars like the 2021 Mahindra XUV and MG Hector Plus. The Tata Gravitas is 63mm in length and 80mm in height.
Including sunroof, this feature
car will have an 8.8-inch touchscreen infotainment system. Which supports Android Auto and Apple CarPlay. It also has features like automatic climate control, drive mode, cruise control, keyless entry and push button start. The company also features a sunroof in the car. This new SUV from Tata will have 5 driving modes called Neutral, Reverse, Manual, Drive and Park.
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