Southern superstar Rana Daggubati is celebrating his birthday on December 14. In his long film journey he has acted in many best films and has also been honored with many awards, but still remembers every Rana as Bhallaldev. The country's most successful film bahubalinum strong character bhallaladeva is still fresh in everyone's mind today. Even though Prabhas was in the lead role in Bahubali, the film could never have been imagined without Rana.
4000 calories had to be taken
Rana worked hard to become Bhallaldev. He worked so hard that he physically challenged his body during the preparation of this film. It is said that Rana had to take 4000 calories per day for the role of Bhallaldev. The actor ate 40 eggs a day for such a large intake. Apart from this he used to sweat 8 hours a day in the gym. A common man eats only three times a day but Rana used to eat eight times in one day, just to become Bhallaldev.
Bhallaldev's magnificent body was seen
He says he weighed in at 100kg for the role. Even the stomach of a common man would come out in such a weight but Rana worked so hard on his body that even his increasing weight appeared only in the form of muscles. Everyone saw Bhallaldev's magnificent body.
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