New Delhi: Once again, the country's capital Delhi has been rocked by the incident. In which a 22-year-old girl has been made the victim. Shakur Basti of the city was sitting on the platform of the railway station to get peace of mind, and three people forcibly dragged her to a place where someone could come to the station and raped her, this is what happened on Thursday night. Police have formed separate teams to speed up the accused.
The girl, who lives with her family near the railway station, left home on Thursday after a dispute with her family and then went to the railway station and sat down.
According to the complaint, the senior police official said, "The incident took place when a young woman was seen sitting alone at the station. After this, he started touching the young woman in the wrong way. They were taken to a corner where no one was coming. "
The three assailants raped the girl after she was dragged into a corner at the railway station, after which the accused threatened the woman not to dare to report the incident.
After the three accused left the scene, the girl went to her house and told about the incident. The matter was reported to the police and the police sent the girl for a medical examination. A gangrape complaint has been registered alleging that the woman was raped. Police further said, "CCTV is being checked for further investigation of the incident and action is also being taken to speed up the accused."
According to the police, 1,241 cases have been registered against women till September 30 this year as against 1,723 in 2019. In the current year, 1,527 cases of atrocities against women have been reported in Delhi as against 2,276 in 2019. Analysis of rape cases revealed that 97.7% of rape cases are known to the public while in 2.3% of the cases the accused are unknown.
(As per the Supreme Court guideline, the name of the victim is not mentioned in the report so that the identity of the victim is not revealed in the case of physical abuse.)
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