Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone has so far entertained the audience with her superb performance. But the year 2020 did not prove to be good for Deepika. Many of his fans kept moving away from him after his name in the drug case. Now Deepika is trying to win the hearts of her fans. Deepika Padukone will be seen in five films next year i.e. in 2021. Deepika has high expectations from her films.
Shakun Batra's film
The film will star Deepika Padukone along with Siddhant Chaturvedi and Ananya Pandey. The two spent a lot of time together during the shooting whose pictures have surfaced on social media. There is great excitement among the viewers to watch the film.
In this film, Deepika will be seen with Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan. The two had earlier appeared together in 'Chennai Express' and viewers appreciated their chemistry in the film.
Nag Ashwin's film
Many big actors have been involved in this film. The film will see Amitabh Bachchan, Prabhas and Deepika Padukone working together. The film will be based on Sky-Fi.
The Intern
Deepika Padukone is in the process of pre-production of her upcoming film 'The Intern'. The original film, The Intern, starred Robert De Niro and Anne Hathaway.
The film will be released in 2021 and will star Deepika Draupadi. The film is currently in the pre-production stage. The audience is eagerly waiting to see Deepika in the role of Draupadi. Deepika has teamed up with producer Madhu Montana for the film.
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