New Delhi: Unlike most of cricket's big names, MS Dhoni is not very active on social media. Former Indian captains rarely post photos or messages on social media platforms. While other cricketers like to post on social media after the game, MS Dhoni is not a huge fan of it. However, this has not affected his popularity on social media at all.
The veteran-wicketkeeper batsman is still one of the most popular cricketers worldwide. He has 30.1 million followers on Instagram and 8.1 million on Twitter. And nothing describes his popularity more than the fact that one of the tweets he made earlier this year is one of the most popular tweets of 2020.
According to Twitter India, in Dhoni's tweet, he thanked PM Narendra Modi for his letter, which was the most retweeted tweet in the Indian Games in the year 2020. So far, the tweet has more than 73, 500 tweets. PM Modi wrote a letter to the cricket veteran after announcing his retirement from international cricket in August.
"What an artist, soldier and sportsperson longs for is appreciation, that their hard work and sacrifice are being seen and appreciated by everyone. Thank you PM @narendramodi for your appreciation and best wishes," Ms Dhoni Tweeted.
MS Dhoni has veiled his international career, but he is still active in the sport as he played in this year's Indian Premier League (IPL). However, it was a forgettable season for the veteran cricketer as he failed to take Chennai Super Kings (CSK) to the playoffs for the first time in the history of the competition.
Dhoni has been leading CSK since the inaugural season of IPL in 2008. In the 2020 season, he scored just 200 runs in 14 matches at a modest strike rate of 116.27. Dhoni will lead CSK next year.
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