If you do not eat radish in winter, start eating, it is best to keep the disease away from the body - Newztezz - Latest News Today, Breaking News, Top News Headlines, Latest Sports News


Wednesday, December 16, 2020

If you do not eat radish in winter, start eating, it is best to keep the disease away from the body

There are so many things to eat and drink in the winter season that the body can be easily kept healthy. 
Radish is one of the most consumed foods in winter. Most people eat radish because of its taste, but very few people know about its benefits. Learn why radish should be eaten every day in winter and how much it keeps the body away from diseases.

Increases immunity: - Radish contains high amount of Vitamin C which protects against cold and flu in winter. Radish also works to boost the body's immune system. Radish helps in reducing the swelling and inflammation from the body as well as preventing the effects of aging.

Blood pressure control: - Radish delivers potassium to the body which helps in controlling blood pressure. Include radishes in your diet, especially if you suffer from hypertension. According to Ayurveda, radish has a cooling effect on the blood.

Protects against heart diseases: - Radish is considered to be a good source of anthocyanins, which can help our heart to function better. Eating radish every day reduces the risk of heart disease. Radish is also rich in folic acid and flavonoids. Radish also increases the supply of oxygen to the blood.

Good amount of fiber: - Good amount of fiber is found in radish. People who eat radishes every day in the form of salads never have a deficiency of fiber in their body. The digestive system works properly because of the fiber. Radish also protects the liver and bladder.

Strengthens blood vessels: - Radish contains good amount of collagen which strengthens our blood vessels. This reduces the risk of developing serious illnesses such as atherosclerosis.

Increases metabolism Radish: - Radish is not only good for the digestive system, but it also helps in curing problems like acidity, obesity, gastric problems and nausea.

Useful for skin: - If you want glowing skin, drink radish juice every day. It contains vitamin C and phosphorus. It also relieves dry skin and acne. Applying it to the hair eliminates the problem of dandruff and strengthens the hair from the roots.

Rich in nutrients: - Red radish is rich in vitamins E, A, C, B6 and K. It is rich in antioxidants, fiber, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, iron and manganese. All these nutrients make our body healthy from within.

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