Jack Ma, once a hero to the Chinese people, has become a villain today, find out why - Newztezz - Latest News Today, Breaking News, Top News Headlines, Latest Sports News


Sunday, December 27, 2020

Jack Ma, once a hero to the Chinese people, has become a villain today, find out why

In China, Jack Ma is synonymous with success. 
Jack Ma, who went from an English teacher to an entrepreneur, is currently the richest man in China. He founded Alibaba and is currently the world's largest e-commerce company and Amazon's fiercest rival. When Donald Trump became President of the United States in 2016, Jack Ma was the first high-profile Chinese person to meet him. Many people in China also call her Daddy Ma. His life is like a rockstar. He worked with top Chinese stars in a short film in 2017. While the song was sung with Chinese pop diva Faye Wong. The painting, which he created with top Chinese artist Zheng Fenzi, sold for 4 5.4 million. Jack Ma is a great role model for China's young and aspiring people. However, Jack Ma has recently become a villain in the eyes of the Chinese people.

How Jack Ma became a villain for the Chinese people

Jack Manny's image has been tarnished since he criticized financial regulators for not taking risks. He accused Chinese banks of behaving like usurers, saying they only lend to people who pledge nothing in return. As a result, as soon as the anti-trust investigation against Alibaba was announced, regulatory agencies announced on Thursday that their officials would outline the steps taken to monitor the Ant Group.

Resentment against the government increased among Chinese citizens

There is also growing resentment among ordinary Chinese citizens against the government. There are a growing number of people in China who feel that the country no longer has a chance to succeed like Jack Ma. China's economy is recovering from the Corona virus. One of the reasons for the anger of the government and rich people in China is that the number of billionaires there is more than the total number of billionaires in America and India. But the monthly income of 600 million people in China is less than 150 150.

Outrage against businessmen like Jack Ma

Outrage against businessmen in China did not arise immediately. This aggression has been going on for a long time but has now come to the surface. This level of outrage has reached the point where one person wrote in his social media post that a billionaire like Jack Ma will definitely be hanged at the top of the lamp post. The post received 1,22,000 likes on Weibo and over one million likes on WeChat.

Alibaba and Tencent have the most personal data

Currently Alibaba and its arch-rival company Tencent have the most personal data and interfere more in the day-to-day life of China. Google, Facebook and technology giants have been accused of shutting down small companies and research, and so have Chinese giants such as Alibaba and Tencent.

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