Nokia's first laptop has entered the Indian market. E-commerce company Flipkart today announced the launch of the Nokia PureBook X14 laptop. The laptop is priced at Rs 59,990. Pre-booking of Nokia PureBook X14 will start from December 18. So let us know what is so special about this Nokia laptop.
14-inch full HD LED backlight screen
Coming with 8GB DDR4 RAM and 512GB NVMe SSD, this laptop is powered by Intel i5 10th Gen quad-core processor. Coming with Windows 10 OS, this laptop has a 14-inch full HD LED backlight screen. The screen to body ratio of this laptop is 86%.
Dolby audio support and superb graphics
The Nokia PureBook X14 weighs 1.1 kg. With a thickness of only 16.8 mm, this laptop has a very attractive design. This laptop has Dolby audio support for powerful sound. At the same time for better graphics you will find Intel UHD 620 graphics card integrated with 1.1 Ghz Turbo GPU in this laptop.
8 hours battery life and 65 watts charging
This laptop comes with 8 hours of battery life. It has 65 watt fast charging support to charge the battery quickly. For connectivity, the laptop has dual band Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 5.1, USB 3.1, USB 2.0, single HDMI port and RJ45 port. The laptop also has a single audio out port and a mic port.
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