Often, after the transaction fails, the money in your account comes back after being deducted, sometimes it happens that the money takes some time to come back, but sometimes the money does not come back, for which you will get from the bank Have to complain. Due to the failure of the transaction, the customers have to face a lot of problems due to which the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has brought a new rule for this which is for the benefit of the customers. Actually, now there is no need to get upset if the transaction fails, the bank will pay you a compensation of Rs 100 daily within 7 days of making the complaint.
This new rule was implemented by RBI on 20 September 2019. In fact, for a long time, from public sector banks to private banks were struggling with the failure of the transaction, due to which the customers were facing a lot of problems. There was a gathering of complaints in the banks, to overcome this, the RBI implemented this rule.
What to do if digital transaction fails?
If your digital transaction fails, then you will have to go to UPI App and complain. For this, you have to go to the payment history option, here you have to go to Rage Dispute. Register your complaint on Rage Dispute. The bank will return the money on getting your complaint correct.
If you want to recover the damages from the bank if the bank transaction fails, then before that you will have to file a complaint within 30 days of the failure of the transaction. For this, you have to make a complaint with a transaction slip or an account statement. Apart from this, you have to tell the details of your ATM card to the bank's authorized employee. If your money is not returned within 7 days then you will have to fill the Annexure 5 form. The day you fill this form, your penalty will start from the same day and you will get 100 rupees daily as compensation.
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