Lakshmi Sai, who lives in Chennai, the capital of Tamil Nadu, has proved her cuisine all over the world and has entered the Unico Book of World Records. Lakshmi Sai Shri has achieved this goal by preparing 46 dishes in just 58 minutes. Lakshmi, who created this world record, said about her achievement that she took cooking training from her mother and was interested in cooking from the beginning. I am very happy to have achieved this.
Learned cooking in lockdown
On the other hand, Lakshmi’s mother N Kalaimagal says that Lakshmi started learning to cook during the lockdown. He did well in it, so his father asked him to compete for the world record.
The father encouraged
Lakshmi’s mother said that I used to prepare a traditional Tamil Nadu dish at home during the lockdown. During this time my daughter also started showing interest in it and started learning it. Seeing his dedication and talent, his father encouraged him to take part in world records.
When Lakshmi's father inquired about this, it was found out that before Lakshmi, a young woman from Kerala, Savvi had prepared a record of thirty dishes. Then Lakshmi's goal was to break this record. J Lakshmi has set a new record only with her talent and hard work.
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