Mohan Bhagwat, Sarsanghchalak of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, said on Friday that if one is a Hindu, he will be a patriot and that is his original character and disposition. The RSS chief quoted Mahatma Gandhi as saying that his patriotism stemmed from his religion.
Mohan Bhagwat J.K. Bajaj and M.D. He said this while launching the book 'Making of a Hindu Patriot: Background of Gandhiji Hind Swaraj' written by Srinivas. Bhagwat said that the name of the book and its release by me could lead to speculation that it was an attempt to define Gandhiji in his own way.
"No one can define great men as their own," he said. He said that this book is based on extensive research and those who have different views about it can also write by doing research. The head of the Sangh said, "Gandhiji said that my patriotism originates from my religion. I will become a good patriot only by understanding my religion and telling people to do the same. Gandhiji said that in order to understand Swaraj, one has to understand Swadharma.
Referring to religion and patriotism, the Sangh chief said that if he is a Hindu, he has to become a patriot because he is rooted in it. He may be on the sidewalk, he has to be awakened, but no Hindu can be anti-India. "As long as there is a fear in my mind that my being is a threat to my existence and you risk your existence through my existence, bargaining can happen, but not intimacy," he said.
"Being separated does not mean that we cannot live as one society, as sons of one earth," Bhagwat said. He said that unity in diversity, unity in diversity is the basic ideology of India. However, in the book, the author quotes Gandhiji's conversation with Leo Tolstoy, in which he mentions his growing love for India and things related to it. Bajaj said the book chronicles Gandhiji's journey and life from Porbandar to England and then to South Africa.
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