Mohan Bhagwat, president of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh ( RSS), made a statement while releasing a book in Delhi, prompting the Opposition to take Bhagwat by surprise. During the book release, Bhagwat said, "If there is a Hindu, he will be a patriot. Because, it is at the root of our religion and this is also the nature of Hindus. No matter what the situation, Hindus can never be traitors. ' Owaisi took Bhagwat by surprise when he introduced the definition of patriotism on religious grounds.
Owaisi wrote, 'Will Bhagwat answer, what will he say about Bapu's killer Godse? What would Nellie say about the person responsible for Kalleam (Assam)? What about the 1984 anti-Sikh riots and the 2002 Gujarat riots?
People of all religions are patriots
"It would be logical to assume that most Indians are patriots," Owaisi wrote. Regardless of their religion. But only people of one religion are given certificates of patriotism by the RSS. While others have to spend their entire lives proving that they too have the right to be there and can call themselves Indians.
Controversy over Bhagwat's statement in the book release program
Mohan Bhagwat arrived in Delhi to release a book titled 'Making of a Hindu Patriot - Background of Gandhi's Hind Swaraj'. It was at this time that he said that Hindus could never be traitors. As a result, people on social media, including opposition leaders, criticized Bhagwat's ideology of religious norms regarding patriotism.
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