Republic Day 2021 (Republic Day 2021): On 26 January 2021, the country is going to celebrate its 72nd Republic Day. The preparations for the 2021 (Republic Day 2021) parade will fade this time due to Corona virus. In India, Republic Day is celebrated every year on 26 January with great joy and gaiety. Because the Constitution of India came into force on 26 January 1950 (26 January 1950). After which India became a republican country. Let's know 10 important facts related to Republic Day ..
10 important facts related to Republic Day
1- Republic Day is mainly celebrated in Delhi.
2- On this occasion, a parade with grand rays of sun is taken out in Delhi. The parade is taken from Rajpath to India Gate.
3- Parade consists of Army, Water and Air Force personnel.
4- Army personnel perform tricks during the parade.
5 - Prime Minister Amar Jawan offers a wreath at Jyoti.
6 - On the occasion of Republic Day, the martyrs of the country pay tribute to the soldiers.
7- On the occasion of Republic Day, the President, along with his security forces, sits in a 14 horse-drawn buggy at India Gate, where he is welcomed by the Prime Minister.
8- National flag is hoisted by the President. After this, the national anthem is sung in front of the honored flag, in honor of the President's flag.
9- 21 cannon salute is given, as well as a beautiful presentation of the states.
10- On the occasion of Republic Day, every state of the country presents its folk dances.