For some time, Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan has been in discussions about his web series 'Tandav web series'. There has been a ruckus about the release of the web series on Amazon Prime and there have been many cases on the makers of Tandava. People have accused the makers of insulting Hindu deities. Due to which Saif Ali Khan is also getting a lot of listening on social media. At present, this dispute is not taking the name of freezing and cases are being filed one after the other. However, the makers have apologized and said to change the scene. Let's talk about that bold intimate scene in which Saif is seen in a very hot style with Bollywood actress Sara Jane.
Hot scenes between disputes
While Saif Ali Khan has been a victim of controversies, on the other hand, his bedroom scene is in a lot of discussion on the Internet. In this scene, Saif Ali Khan and Sara Jane are seen liplocking. This video of Saif has been posted by a user named TrueLover,
which is becoming increasingly viral on the Internet as soon as it is revealed. After watching the video, the fans are giving all kinds of reactions and this form of Saif is also quite a surprise to the people. Because Saif is completely shirtless in this.
If you talk about the workfront, Saif Ali Khan has recently been seen in a web series. It has seen great artists like Dimple Kapadia, Zeeshan Job, Sarah Jane Dias. However, a case regarding this series has also been registered in Mumbai and security has also been increased outside Saif Ali Khan's house in view of increasing controversies. On the growing controversy, the makers assured the people that all the controversial scenes would be removed from the web series and Ali Abbas Zafar apologized to the audience through the post on the matter. But this is not the first time such a controversy has arisen over films. Even before this, there have been controversies over films.
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