Southern superstars Thalapati Vijay and Vijay Setupati's film 'Vijay the Master' has been released in theaters. The film has got a banging opening and has made a great start at the box office. But the bad news for the filmmakers is that the film has been leaked online. The film has been present in HD quality on notorious Tamil rockers and other sites since it was leaked online . People are downloading this movie for free.
Film breaks record in Australia
The film could face huge losses at the box office due to the leak. This can be a concern for makers. The film has been released in India, Australia, UAE and other countries. The audience is also liking this film. The film grossed 2. 2.48 million in Australia, according to a report. Thus, Vijay The Master became the third highest grossing South Indian film in Australia.
Even before the release, some clips went viral.
The film, which was released on Wednesday during the Pongal festival, saw a huge craze to watch. This is the first Indian film to be released on a large scale after Unlock. Seeing the craze of the audience for the film, it seems that this film will break many records. Experts predicted that the film would create a tsunami of records. But the makers may face losses due to the leak. Some of the clips were streamed online before they were released, after which an employee of a digital company was questioned over the complaint. The makers appealed to people not to share these clips online.
These films have also been leaked.
This is not the first film that Tamil rockers have leaked online. Earlier they were- Crack, AK Versus AK, Lakshmi, Ashram 2, Ludo, Jump, Dark, Raspberry, Bulbul, Patal Lok, Arya, Gulabo-Sitabo, Chintu Ka Birthday, Chokd, Raktanchal, Dhumketu, Betal, Family Man, The Films such as Ryker Case, Hansmukh, Money Hist, The Lion King and Frozen 2 were also leaked online.
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