The domestic cricket season has returned to India after the Coronavirus break. The Syed Mushtaq Ali Trophy has started for the T20 tournament from Sunday 10 January and a blazing innings was witnessed on the very first day. Baroda captain Krunal Pandya showed batting in his very first match against Uttarakhand and scored 76 runs in just 42 balls. Of these, Krunal coddled in only 10 balls for 50 runs. The special thing is that the day before, Krunal had a fight with his team's vice-captain Deepak Hooda, but it did not affect Krunal. With the help of Krunal's all-round game, Baroda defeated Uttarakhand by 5 runs.
In this Elite Group C match being played in Vadodara, Uttarakhand won the toss and decided to bowl first. Baroda did not have a good start and the team lost their top order wickets for 41 runs in the first 8 overs. Kedar Deodhar (8), Ninad Rathwa (10) and Vishnu Solanki could score only 6 runs. After this, Krunal Pandya and Sanjay Patel came to the crease who handled the team.
Krunal rained fours and sixes
For the first time, Krunal Pandya, who was handling the captaincy of Baroda, went ahead on the occasion and set a good example by his performance. Krunal, along with Sanjay, added almost 90 runs in the next 9 overs. During this, Krunal was seen batting in a particularly aggressive style and he beat the Uttarakhand bowlers fiercely.
During his torrential innings, Krunal took 5 fours and 5 magnificent sixes. In this way, Krunal collected 50 runs out of 76 from only 10 balls.
Krunal was dismissed after scoring 76 runs in 42 balls. Apart from him, Sanjay Patel contributed 41 runs for Baroda. With the help of these two innings, Baroda set a target of 169 runs in 20 overs to win in front of Uttarakhand.
Quarrel a day ago
The start of the tournament for Krunal and his team Baroda, however, was not very good. A day earlier on Saturday, January 9, the team's vice-captain and senior batsman Deepak Hooda withdrew his name from the tournament. He wrote a letter to the Baroda Cricket Association, accusing him of mistreating and abusing Krunal Pandya. According to the information, there was a fight between Krunal and Deepak during the training session. After this, Deepak left the team's camp and withdrew the name.
Uttarakhand's brilliant answer
In reply, Uttarakhand started very poorly and the team lost 5 wickets in just 11.1 overs. In this too, Krunal had a big hand, who took 2 of these 5 wickets in his name. However, Uttarakhand did not give up easily and gave a tough fight to Baroda till the last over.
Deekshanshu Negi and Kunal Chandela formed a partnership for the team. The duo crushed 79 runs in just 7.4 overs. Especially Kunal looked more dangerous and he scored 48 runs in just 26 balls. However, after his dismissal, the team missed the victory by 5 runs. Deekshanshu remained unbeaten after scoring 77 runs in 57 balls.
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