Corona transition is on the rise in the country. Many celebrities are also getting infected in the second wave. Corona has also reached out to Kapoor Khandan, the first family in the Hindi film industry. Earlier, Neetu Kapoor and Ranbir Kapoor were infected with Korona. Now that he is healthy, Raj Kapoor's eldest son Randhir Kapoor has fallen victim to Corona. The cowardly report of Randhir Kapoor and five members of his staff has come positive.
Randhir Kapoor was admitted to Kokilaben Ambani Hospital on Thursday afternoon. He has now been shifted to the ICU of the hospital. "I have been shifted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) to do some more tests," Randhir Kapoor said in a conversation with our associate Items on Friday morning.
"The hospital is taking good care of me and I thank Tina Ambani for this. The situation is under control and they are trying their best for me. Living." Earlier, Randhir Kapoor was kept in a hospital room. "He is in good health and does not need ICU or oxygen support," he told the Times on Thursday evening.
His daughters Karisma and Kareena Kapoor as well as his wife Babita Kapoor were also tested after Randhir Kapoor's Corona report came back positive. "Kareena-Karishma and Babita's cowardly report has come out negative," Randhir Kapoor told our associate Itimes. According to Randhir Kapoor, even though he took two doses of corona vaccine, his report is positive.
Randhir Kapoor has also said that his staff has also been admitted to Kokilaben Ambani Hospital along with him. However, Randhir Kapoor is also wondering where he got the corona infection from.
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