Chandro Tomar Shooter Dadi, popularly known as Shooter Daadi across the country, has passed away. The actress' story was featured in the 2019 film 'Sand Ki Aankh'. Chandro Tomar had become a victim of corona infection for the last few days. Where he was undergoing treatment at a private hospital in Meerut. Where Dadi Chandro Tomar lived with her family in Baghpat, Uttar Pradesh.
Earlier on Tuesday, grandmother's Kovid report came positive. After which he was admitted to the hospital due to trouble in breathing. This information has been given on the Twitter page of the 89-year-old shooter living in Baghpat, Uttar Pradesh.
In this Twitter post it is written that "Dadi Chandro Tomar is Corona positive, and has been admitted to the hospital due to trouble in breathing. God protect everyone - family. Let me tell you, Grandma was mourning shooting from childhood, but she started playing this game at the age of more than 60 years. Where he also won many major and national competitions. He is considered to be the oldest shooter in the world.
Meanwhile, actress Taapsee Pannu, who plays Chandro Tomar in the film 'Sand ki aankh', has expressed grief over her demise. Where the actress has posted a beautiful picture of herself and Chandro Tomar on her Instagram story a while ago. While sharing this picture, the actress has created an emoji of a broken heart.
She participated in many competitions with her sister Prakashi Tomar, Prakashi was also one of the oldest female shooters in the world. Where he always made his own identity in the male dominated society and lived his life in a different way.
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