You can also buy goods in EMI with a debit card, find out how much limit your card - Newztezz - Latest News Today, Breaking News, Top News Headlines, Latest Sports News


Saturday, May 22, 2021

You can also buy goods in EMI with a debit card, find out how much limit your card

Many times you do not have full money to buy any goods from you, then in this situation you have to resort to EMI, that is, you buy those goods in installments. 
However, in this, you have to pay interest many times, so many times, without interest, you get the goods in installments, which depends on every offer or company. However, earlier the facility of EMI was available only on credit card, which is now available on you debit card as well.

Actually, if you do not have a credit card and want to buy goods through EMI, then you can do the same through debit card. It is also processed like a credit card and once purchased, you can get the installment for 3,6,9 or 12 etc. months according to your own. If you also want to take goods from debit card, first of all, know about your account whether EMI facility is available in it and what is its limit. Simply put, how much money you can do shopping through EMI…

In such a situation, today we are telling you how you can know about the credit eligibility of a debit card and what is its process…

Please tell that every bank has made rules for giving EMI on debit cards. Therefore, it is necessary to read these rules before taking any goods, in which there are many rules related to the process of repaying money from interest charged during EMI. Also, always keep in mind the eligibility, lest your limit is reduced and you are planning to buy more money.

How to know how much limit is there?

You can find out about it through the phone in a few minutes. For this, all you have to do is to send a message and through the message you can find out how much money you can borrow. For this, you have to message in the format of DCEMI <space> <last 4 digits of Debit Card number> to <5676766>. That is, first write DCEMI, after that press space and write the last four digits of your debit card. After that send it to 5676766. This will let you know your credit limit. You have to do this message with registered messages.

Credit card should be taken as per requirement

The most important thing is to choose the right card. Bank workers contact you many times to get a credit card made. You also take someone by coming to their talks. But before taking it, you must think about your spending pattern. For example, if you use your own car very much, then you should take a co-branded fuel card. This card gives you a discount on fuel surcharge and gives benefits at your expense.

If you are a travel enthusiast, then take a card that gives airport lounge facility. The cards that give maximum reward points are right for those who make more digital payments. If you are fond of eating outside, then you should take the cards that offer on it.

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