Apart from public outings, professional achievements and family photos, celebrities often impress fans with their weight transformation. Now Bollywood superstar Salman Khan's Rakhi sister Shweta Rohira is in the news because of her new look. Actor Pulkit Samrat's ex-wife Shweta has lost 40 kg. Not only that, the latest video shared on Instagram also shows a change in her hair. In the video Shweta is appearing in Platinum Hair Color with Pixie Cut. It has lost about 5 kg in weight. In 2016 it weighed 82 kg and now it weighs 42 kg.
Speaking to our collaborating items Shweta Rohira said ‘Long or short, Amanda Carvalho always gives my hair a stylish look. This time too there is no exception. I had a pixie cut earlier. You could say this is another pixie cut. Even so, I often like short hair.
Talking more about the platinum look, Shweta said, "We decided to experiment with something new. This platinum look is still going on these days. Oh yes, Arjun Rampal did it recently. I don't mind saying that my look is inspired by Arjun. If he can do such hair, why can't I '.
Sports nutritionist Kinita Kadakhia made an important contribution when it comes to the new look transformation that Anushka Sharma's hair, which started falling out after pregnancy, got with the help of Sonam Kapoor . 'I was convinced that I was not going to follow anyone's diet plan. The mentality of our people is that we see everything quickly and Google it. Kinita told me about a diet that suits my body. We have to understand that whoever works on A will not work on B because everyone is different '.
Losing 40 kg weight is not called excess? Asked, Shweta said, "Not really. That’s exactly what my height is. To be honest I don't think much of it. I was happy when I was 82kg. I am still happy. I like my new avatar '.
Shweta Rohira was previously married to Pulkit Samrat. The two separated in just 18 months. Pulkit Samrat is currently in a relationship with Kirti Kharbanda while Shweta said 'I am not in love with anyone except myself'.
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