Every person wants to become a very rich man in his life, but not everyone's luck is the same. There are some people who work hard but they get a lot of results, while there are some people who work hard but their financial condition is always weak. All life, they have to work hard and have to spend life in poverty. There are many people who consider it as their luck and start living with it, but according to astrology, there are some such measures, which if a person follows, then the financial condition of his life can be fine, let's know about these measures. about…
Do not do this work in the morning
Morning time is called Amritvela. If at this time we do not get up or wake up late, then there is poverty in the house, in such a situation, a person should always get up early in the morning and make good use of his time, but those who do not wake up early in the morning and sleep till late, then Lakshmi She remains angry, due to which she has a loss of money.
Take special care of cleanliness
Mother Lakshmi resides in the house of those who have cleanliness in their house. In such a situation, if cleanliness is not done in the house, then Mother Lakshmi does not reside there. Not only the house, but if a person does not keep his body clean as well, then money is not available there.
abusive behavior
Those people who keep quarreling over everything and abusing them, Lakshmi ji never resides in their house. No one likes such people, not only this, when they are in need and they ask people for help, then no one supports them. That is why you should always keep your mind cool. The nature should be kept calm and no one should say abusive words.
take care of food
If your food and drink is not right then fix it because food is directly related to our health. In such a situation, if you want to become rich then it is most important to be healthy. If your lifestyle is not healthy then you stop dreaming of becoming rich. So always pay attention to your diet
bad Company
Never be in bad company. Always support good people, so that your thinking can develop and you can think better. So that your financial condition can be strengthened.
Get into the habit of forgiving nature
If someone makes a mistake or you have a fight with someone, whether that person is from your house or outside, forgive all of you. If the mistake is yours, then you yourself should also apologize. Such a nature will never allow negative thoughts to enter your mind and there will be no problems in the house.
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