If you want to improve your complexion and become fair, then use sea salt water in this way.
Some may or may not be found in every kitchen, but salt is definitely available. Sea salt brings back the glow of our skin. It is rich in beneficial minerals like sodium, magnesium, calcium and potassium. Which in some way or the other makes the skin better. Let us know how to use sea salt to become fair from face to toe.
become fair Actually, becoming fair means improving the skin. Due to dust, soil, pollution, dead cells remain on the skin, which makes our skin blemish and dark (darkness). To remove them and improve the skin tone, you should exfoliate. Make a thick paste by mixing sea salt and water and apply it on the skin with light hands. Keep the amount of salt more to make a paste.
The information provided here is not a substitute for any medical advice. It is being given only for the purpose of education.