sugarcane juice
You can consume sugarcane juice to get rid of the problem of jaundice. For this, you can consume this juice three to four times a day.
tomato juice
Tomato juice also plays a special role in reducing the problem of jaundice. Tomatoes contain an element called lycopene, which helps in making the liver healthy. If tomato juice is consumed in the morning on an empty stomach, it shows the effect even more quickly.
buttermilk and yogurt
By consuming buttermilk and curd, the problem of jaundice starts to go away quickly. For this, you can consume a glass of buttermilk or a bowl of curd every morning and evening. Consumption of curd prevents infections caused by bacteria and reduces the symptoms of jaundice.
coconut water
Coconut water also helps in curing jaundice. It plays an important role in keeping the liver healthy. Along with this, the digestive system also remains healthy by consuming it.
Whether papaya is raw or ripe, consuming both helps a lot in reducing the problem of jaundice. If you consume raw papaya as a vegetable without spices, then it helps in improving the health of the liver quickly. Along with this, ripe papaya also plays a good role in removing the problem of jaundice.
radish leaves
Consuming the juice of radish leaves is very beneficial in removing the problem of jaundice. For this, if you want, you can consume the juice of radish leaves by adding sugar candy to it or if you want, you can also consume radish juice by adding lemon juice.
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