Nag Panchami 2021 Ke Upay: The festival of Nag Panchami is celebrated on the fifth day of Shukla Paksha of Sawan month. Nag Devta and Lord Shiva are worshiped on this day. There is a lot of rain in the month of Sawan. Due to which the snakes start coming out of their burrows. Some snakes are poisonous, which can even kill a person. This year Nag Panchami will be celebrated on 13th August. In such a situation, on this occasion, we are going to save you some such remedies, due to which snakes will stay away from your house.
Sarpapasarpa bhadram te gachha sarpa mahavisha. Janmejayasya yajnante aastik vachanam smar. Shatadha Bhidyate Murdhin Shinshpavriksha as ..
In this, if you chant the mantra regularly, snakes do not come in the house. It is believed that if a snake enters the house, then by chanting this mantra, it goes away immediately. In such a situation, chant this mantra on the day of Nag Panchami.
Cow dung is considered very pure in Hinduism, so on the day of Namag Panchami, make snakes from cow dung at both the corners of the main door of the house. Offer raw milk to these snakes and offer lava.
On the day of Nag Panchami, it is considered very auspicious to worship a copper snake. On this day, worship copper snakes and serpents by law. Keep them in your safe for later.
Nag Gayatri Mantra
Om navkulaya vidyamhe visdhantay dhimahi tanno sarpa: prachodayat ..
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