Periods in women: What are the ways to get periods early? Know why periods are late - Newztezz - Latest News Today, Breaking News, Top News Headlines, Latest Sports News


Friday, August 13, 2021

Periods in women: What are the ways to get periods early? Know why periods are late

A common problem related to female health is the late coming of periods. 
Due to the delay in periods, women have to face many physical problems. However, the menstrual cycle in women may be slightly shorter or longer each time. But there may be some reasons behind the delay. For which measures can be taken to bring periods early.

Why are periods late? (Late Period Causes)
According to the NHS, women may have the problem of late periods due to the following reasons. As-

  • pregnancy
  • Tension
  • sudden weight loss
  • being overweight
  • exercising excessively
  • birth control pill
  • menopause
  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
  • Sometimes due to diabetes, heart disease, overactive thyroid etc.

Late Periods Solution in English
If your periods have occurred around 5 days after the date, then it can also be normal. So first of all consult a doctor. Only after that use some medicine to bring the periods early.

Papaya - Papaya increases the contraction of the uterus of women and also increases the production of estrogen hormone. Both things are helpful in bringing periods. For this, eat raw papaya every morning and evening till the period comes.

Fennel - Consumption of fennel increases blood flow to the uterus. For this, drink fennel water every morning till the period comes. You soak two spoons of fennel in a glass of water and keep it at night and filter it the next morning and drink this water.

Foods with Vitamin C - Remedies to get periods early, Women should consume foods containing Vitamin C. Because vitamin C helps in correcting the level of estrogen hormone and strengthens the inner lining of the uterus. For this, eat pineapple, broccoli, tomato etc.

Ginger - The antispasmodic properties of ginger give relief from period cramps. But the bioactive compounds of ginger help in bringing the stopped periods quickly by increasing the body heat. For this, grind ginger and extract one spoon of juice and mix honey in it and consume it before sleeping at night.

Cinnamon - Cinnamon helps in bringing about periods by increasing the temperature of your body. Grind two cinnamon sticks and consume them with a glass of milk or tea every morning till the period comes.

Periods Symptoms
When your periods start coming with these measures, then you may feel these symptoms of periods.

  • acne
  • swelling or heaviness in the breasts
  • Tiredness
  • Cramps
  • Abdominal distension
  • Headache
  • lower back pain, etc.

The information provided here is not a substitute for any medical advice. It is being given only for the purpose of education.

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