Twitter on Friday said its Managing Director (MD) in India Manish Maheshwari has moved into a bigger role at the company's headquarters in the US, as the micro-blogging platform faces a political storm over the blocking of accounts of Congress and its leaders. Used to be. Maheshwari, who joined Twitter in April 2019 as Managing Director for Country Operations, moves into a new role focused on 'New Market Entry' as Senior Director, Revenue Strategy and Operations in San Francisco.
Yu Sasamoto, Twitter's Vice President for the Japac region, said in a tweet on Friday, "Thank you Manisham for your leadership of our Indian business over the past 2 years. Congratulations on your new role in the US as in charge of revenue strategy and operations for new markets around the world. Twitter is excited to lead this important growth opportunity."
Twitter had not yet announced the new head of India. Maheshwari's departure was decided when Twitter blocked the accounts of Rahul Gandhi and several Congress leaders for violating its policy. The Congress alleges that this is being done at the behest of the government.
"By shutting down my Twitter account, they are interfering in our political process," Rahul said. He said, “A company is doing its business to define our politics and as a politician I do not like it. This is not an attack on Rahul Gandhi, but an attack on the democratic set-up of the country."
Twitter clarified its action, saying that the rules are applied judiciously and fairly to everyone on its service. According to the company, “We have taken proactive action on several hundred Tweets that posted an image that violates our rules and may continue to do so to the extent of our enforcement options.”
Amid the political uproar, the Center this week informed the Delhi High Court that Twitter has appointed permanent officers as required under the Information Technology (Intermediate Guidelines and Digital Media Code of Conduct) Rules, 2021. Twitter had on August 6 informed the Delhi High Court that it has appointed employees to the posts of Chief Compliance Officer and Resident Grievance Officer and Nodal Contact Person in compliance with the provisions of the new IT rules.
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