Ranveer Singh Nude Photoshoot Controversy: Recently, there is a lot of ruckus about Ranveer Singh's photoshoot. A case has also been registered against Ranveer Singh under some sections. In such a situation, the lifestyle of a British woman is also making headlines on social media. Actually this woman does not like to wear clothes at all. It is said that wearing clothes makes it restless, so it mostly remains without clothes. The name of this woman is being told as Sadie Tann.
Couple calls themselves nature lover
This woman is 32 years old and she even convinced her boyfriend Colin to live without clothes. The woman says that she likes to be nude from the beginning. It makes a woman feel free to live like this. Let us tell you that the couple does cycling in Britain without clothes. First you see the photo of this couple...
Angry people
Although people are very angry after seeing some of their pictures (Nude Photos). But this couple does not find it strange to be without clothes. This couple does not like to go to the market, so they make their living by eating food from the forest. They like to live like this. According to a report published in 'The Mirror', the couple says that these people are adding money to save the environment.
Photos are going viral
Their photos are becoming very viral on social media. Many people were seen trolling him. People are seeing it by associating it with Ranveer Singh's Nude Photoshoot. Let us tell you that recently Ranveer Singh has done a nude photoshoot for a magazine and there is a lot of controversy on it.
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