Bollywood actor Ranveer Singh recently posted some pictures on social media. These pictures were very much discussed. Many people liked these 'nude' pictures of Ranveer Singh, but many people considered these pictures of the actor wrong. Even now an FIR has been registered against the actor in Thane's Chembur police station. An FIR has been registered against the actor under four sections, including one under the IT Act. If Ranveer Singh is found guilty in these sections, then there is also a provision of punishment according to the law.
In such a situation, we know which are the sections under which a case has been registered against Ranveer Singh. Also know that if Ranveer Singh is found guilty in these sections, then he can be punished. Also know that how many fines are there in these sections and which crime the sections are related to…
On which sections the case has been registered?
Let us inform that a case has been registered against Ranveer Singh under IPC section 292, 293, 509 and IT section 67 (A).
In which section how much punishment?
- Section 292 of IPC - This section is related to obscenity, adult content etc. If convicted for the first time in this section, then the punishment of 2 years and fine up to 2 thousand can be imposed. At the same time, if found guilty in this section for the second time, then there can be a punishment of 5 years and a fine of 5 thousand.
- Section 293 of IPC - This section is also related to 292, but this section is related to minor. However, the punishment in this section is different. In this, if found guilty for the first time, there can be a punishment of 3 years and a fine of up to 2 thousand. At the same time, if found guilty again, there can be a jail term of 7 years and a fine of 5 thousand.
- Section 509 of IPC - This section is related to insulting the dignity of a woman. In such a situation, if any act is done with an insult to the dignity of the woman, then if found guilty, there can be a punishment of 3 years and fine.
- IT Section 67 (A) - It deals with publishing or transmitting obscene material in electronic form. If found guilty for the first time under this section, there can be a punishment of 5 years and a fine of 10 lakhs. At the same time, if found guilty for the second time, there can be a jail term of seven years and a fine of 10 lakhs. Let us tell you that a separate act has also been made regarding the spirit of this section.
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