Favorite Zodiac Signs of Shani Dev: Saturday is considered to be the day of Shani Dev. If Saturday is falling in the month of Sawan then it is considered very good. By worshiping on Saturday of the month of Sawan, the special grace of Shani Dev remains. This also reduces the effect of Shani Dosha. Talking about astrology, some zodiac signs are very dear to Shani Dev. The affection of Shani Dev remains on these zodiac signs. This time the third Saturday of Sawan is falling on 30th July. In such a situation, worshiping these zodiac signs on Saturday will give a lot of benefit.
The lord of Capricorn zodiac is considered to be Shani Dev. People of this zodiac are considered very lucky. Shani Dev has special grace on them. With this, Capricorn people get success in everything. Their married life is also very happy.
Shani Dev has a lot of affection for the people of Libra zodiac. Shani Dev is considered exalted in Libra. Due to this their life remains very happy. Due to the blessings of Shani Dev, there is never any shortage of comforts in the life of the people of this zodiac.
Due to the negative vision of Shani Dev, where people have to face a lot of problems. At the same time, people's life becomes happy due to their grace. The second sign of Shani Dev is Aquarius. The blessings of Shani Dev always remain on the people of this zodiac. These people never face any financial problems. There is no shortage of money and there is always respect and respect in the society.
(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on general assumptions and information. Newztezz.online does not confirm this.)
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