Amazing! Doctors first raised the nose on the woman's arm, then put it on the face - Newztezz - Latest News Today, Breaking News, Top News Headlines, Latest Sports News

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Amazing! Doctors first raised the nose on the woman's arm, then put it on the face


Doctors in France have done such a feat, everyone is surprised to know about it. In fact, doctors grew a nose on a woman's arm and then removed it from there and transplanted it on her face.

Today, not only in the field of science but also in the field of medicine, man has made so much progress that now no work has become impossible. There was a time when people's kidneys used to get damaged or there was any problem in the heart, then it was difficult to save the person, but in today's time everything is possible. From kidney transplant to heart transplant , people's lives can be saved, but have you ever heard that doctors have grown any part of the body? Yes, doctors in France have done a similar feat, about which everyone is surprised to know.

In fact, doctors grew a nose on a woman's arm and then removed it from there and transplanted it on her face. According to media reports, the woman had cancer earlier. In such a situation, in the year 2013, he lost a part of his nose during treatment, after which he made several attempts to get his nose back, but could not get success. However, now his nose has got back due to the wonderful medical procedure of the doctors, after which he is very happy and has thanked the doctors.

Transplant done by growing nose on arm

Doctors first grew a nose on the woman's arm and used a skin graft to cover it. Then it took up to two months for the nose to grow. After that, the doctors successfully transplanted that nose from the arm and successfully transplanted it on the face of the woman. The woman was hospitalized for about 10 days, while taking antibiotics for three weeks. Now the woman is fine and is very happy to have her new nose.

The hospital where the woman underwent surgery told that such surgery had never been done before in the medical world and the most important thing is that the doctors made this surgery possible. The hospital says that this new technology is a new hope in the field of medicine.