How did people become IAS during the British rule? How were civil service exams conducted? - Newztezz - Latest News Today, Breaking News, Top News Headlines, Latest Sports News

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How did people become IAS during the British rule? How were civil service exams conducted?


There used to be a civil service even in the British Raj. For this, an exam was conducted. In such a situation, let us know how the Civil Service Exams used to be held in the British Raj.

It is the responsibility of UPSC to conduct civil service exams in India today . Civil Services Examination is a competitive examination in the country. Every year lakhs of students prepare for this. Civil Services Exam is commonly known as UPSC Exam. After clearing this exam, candidates become IAS, IPS or IFS. However, have you ever wondered how civil service exams were conducted in the country during the British Raj. After all, what was the eligibility criteria for the exam at that time?

Actually, civil servants for the East India Company were chosen by the directors of the company. After this he was sent for training at Haileybury College in London. After completing the training, he was sent to India. At the same time, the concept of merit-based modern civil service examination was introduced in India through Lord Macaulay's report of the Select Committee of the British Parliament in 1854.

Exams were held only in London

Lord Macaulay's report said that the merit-based civil service system should be implemented through competitive examinations. Keeping this in mind the Civil Service Commission was established in London in 1854. Exactly a year later, in 1855, the first civil service examination was held. However, initially the exam for the Indian Civil Service was conducted only in London.

The British had prepared the syllabus in such a way that it became very difficult for Indian candidates to crack it. The highest marks in the exam were from European Classics. Because of this, Indians started facing difficulties. Indian candidates demanded to conduct exams in India for the next 50 years. But their demand was fulfilled in 1922, when for the first time examinations were conducted on the soil of India.

What was the eligibility criteria?

Europeans and Indians living in India for at least seven years could give the exam.

The candidate had to give an exam in the language of the district where he/she has to work.

Candidates were selected after clearing the departmental test as well as fulfilling other qualifications.

The age of the candidates appearing for the exam should be between 18 to 23 years.

The candidates had to compulsorily pass the horse riding exam.

Let us know the answers to some questions related to the Civil Service Examination of the British Raj.

Question 1: Who established the civil service in India?

Answer: Warren Hastings established the Civil Service during the British Raj, while Charles Cornwallis improved it and made it modern. Because of this, Charles Cornwallis is known as the 'Father of Civil Service of India'.

Question 2: When was the Indian Civil Service Act enacted?

Answer: The Indian Civil Service Act was enacted in 1861 during Lord Canning's tenure as the Viceroy.

Question 3: What was the Indian Civil Service known as in the past?

Answer: The Indian Civil Service (ICS) was officially known as the Imperial Civil Service.

Question 4: Who was the first Indian to qualify the Indian Civil Service?

Answer: Satyendranath Tagore was the first Indian who cleared this exam.

Question 5: Where were the civil service examinations held for the first time in India?

Answer: The first civil service exam in India was held in Allahabad (Prayagraj) in 1922.