There will be many benefits of doing paraffin wax manicure in winter, try to make hands soft and beautiful - Newztezz - Latest News Today, Breaking News, Top News Headlines, Latest Sports News


Monday, November 21, 2022

There will be many benefits of doing paraffin wax manicure in winter, try to make hands soft and beautiful

To avoid dryness in the winter season, people keep the skin covered, but keeping the hands soft and healthy during winter is a very difficult task. By trying paraffin wax manicure at home, you can not only remove the dryness of the skin, but also make the hands soft and beautiful.

Paraffin wax manicure is completely pure and chemical free.

Do not forget to moisturize your hands before doing paraffin wax manicure.

Tips to do paraffin wax manicure at home: In winters the skin starts to look dry and lifeless. To take special care of the skin, most people follow a special skin care routine in winter, but due to doing many household chores in daily life, the skin of the hands becomes rough and hard. In such a situation, if you want, you can make your hands soft and beautiful in winter by doing paraffin wax manicure at home.

To make the skin of the hands glowing, many people like to get manicure done in the parlor, but in winter, getting paraffin wax manicure done is the best option. This makes your hands look soft and attractive. Let us know about the method of doing paraffin wax manicure at home and some of its benefits.

Benefits of doing

paraffin wax manicure Paraffin wax manicure is completely pure and chemical free. In such a situation, there is no risk of side effects of chemical-rich products on the skin by doing paraffin wax manicure and due to this your hands start glowing naturally. At the same time, it is a better option to try paraffin wax manicure to strengthen the nails. Ways to do paraffin wax manicure at home-

Heat the

wax To do paraffin wax manicure, you can buy any paraffin wax from the market containing the ingredients of lavender, eucalyptus, vanilla, rosemary and mint. Now melt this wax by heating it in the microwave and then keep it to cool slightly.

Massage the

hands, before doing paraffin wax manicure, it is necessary to moisturize the hands. In this case, apply a good brand of cream, lotion or moisturizer on your hands and massage them. This will keep the moisture of the skin of the hands intact.

Dip the

hands, after the wax has cooled slightly, dip the hands completely in the wax and then take them out after 5 seconds. Now repeat this process 5-7 times. With this, 5-7 layers of paraffin wax will be applied on your hands.

Cover your

hands with a cloth After applying wax on your hands, cover your hands with a soft cloth. Due to this, the wax applied in the hands will remain warm for a long time and its good effect will be seen on the skin. Now remove the wax after half an hour.

Apply Moisturizer Do not forget to apply

cream or lotion on hands after removing wax. At the same time, after moisturizing the skin of the hands well, wear gloves on the hands. Now after taking off the gloves after half an hour, the dryness of your hands will disappear and your hands will look soft.

 (Disclaimer: The information and information given in this article is based on general beliefs. Newztezz Online does not confirm these. Before implementing them, contact the concerned expert.)

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