Corona will wreak more havoc in China, expert said – third wave will come by March - Newztezz - Latest News Today, Breaking News, Top News Headlines, Latest Sports News


Monday, December 19, 2022

Corona will wreak more havoc in China, expert said – third wave will come by March

Doctor Wu told that the third wave in infection is expected to come from the end of February to the middle of March because people will return to work after spending the holiday.

Corona is almost counting its last breaths from all over the world but the condition of China is getting worse. Record cases started surfacing after the zero covid policy was relaxed. The prediction of China's top health official has put in more tension. He says that during the current winter season in China, there may be three waves of corona. The country is just facing the first wave. Due to Corona restrictions in many cities of China, people were demonstrating on the streets. At the same time, government agencies are forcefully pacifying the protesters. Xi Jinping now has a double trouble.

After the removal of Corona restrictions at the beginning of this month, there was a sudden increase in cases. Epidemiologist Wu Zunyao has said that the pace of infection will last till mid-January. According to him, the second wave is expected to come at the end of January. Right now only the first wave is wreaking havoc. He told that the second wave could start around the week-long Chinese New Year celebrations starting on 21 January. In fact lakhs of people usually travel during this time in the country to spend holidays with family.

Corona's third wave by mid-March

In a BBC report, Dr. Wu said that the third wave of infection is expected to come from the end of February to the middle of March because people will return to work after spending the holiday. Wu Zunyao has said that he believes the current spike in infections will last until mid-January. While the second wave will start in January with mass travel. The third wave will arrive around the week-long New Year celebrations starting January 21. Millions of people usually travel at this time to spend holidays with family.

Vaccination has improved the situation – Dr. Wu

Dr Wu said the third surge in cases would last from late February to mid-March as people return to work after the holidays. He told a conference on Saturday that current vaccinations have provided a certain level of protection against the surge and have resulted in a reduction in the number of severe cases.

90 percent people got vaccinated – China

Overall, China says that more than 90% of its population has been fully vaccinated. However, less than half of people aged 80 and older have received three doses of the vaccine. Elderly people are more likely to have severe symptoms of Kovid. China has developed and produced its own vaccines, which have been shown to be less effective in protecting people from severe COVID illness and death than the mRNA vaccines used in the rest of the world.

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