Do you also blindly follow these 4 advice given by your friends? Do not do this even by mistake, otherwise... - Newztezz - Latest News Today, Breaking News, Top News Headlines, Latest Sports News


Friday, December 23, 2022

Do you also blindly follow these 4 advice given by your friends? Do not do this even by mistake, otherwise...

People have a habit of giving advice to the person in front of them in everything. Many times friends also give advice on many things keeping their experiences and concern towards you, but you should avoid following every advice blindly, no matter how strong your friend is.

Never follow any diet for workout or weight loss at someone's behest.

Taking medicines on someone's advice can be harmful.

Nowadays whoever you see keeps on giving advice to others. Some of these advices are useful and it is better not to accept some. If your friends, relatives or office colleagues also give advice on weight loss, workouts, dieting or makeup, dressing, relationship, career etc., then definitely listen, but follow what you think is right and best for you. Ho. Friends often give advice thinking it as their own, but they should be avoided blindly. Friendly advice is usually given by people out of concern for their experiences and yours. In such a situation, it is not necessary that whatever suits them, has proved beneficial, it is also right for you. Especially, when advice is being given related to health. According to a news published in, you should follow physical and psychological health advice only on the opinion of experts or doctors. Of course, you know your friend very well, however good your friendship is, don't be unwise to take any friendly advice without consulting an expert. Here we are telling you about 4 friendly advices, which should never be followed blindly.


Often people who are fitness freaks, they also advise the person in front to do the same, which they themselves do in the daily routine. If a friend of yours is a fitness freak and gives you workout related advice, then just listen to it as information. How is your medical condition, no one else can know better than you. Before working out, plan your workout plan considering your medical history, diseases running in the family, your medical condition. You must take the advice of a fitness expert and trainer for this.

Your eating habit

will be like your eating habits, according to that your health will also become. You should consume your food keeping in mind your physical health. Do not decide your diet on the advice of others. If your friend is following a diet, then you should not consume those things on her advice. The proper diet is decided for someone only after understanding the various hormonal functions in the body, functions of digestive enzymes, need and excess of nutrients as well as the level of certain components in your blood. In such a situation, it is not right to follow any diet just on the advice of a friend.

Consumption of Medicines

There is someone or the other in the friend circle, who will definitely give advice to take medicine for every common disease. These medicines can definitely give you relief, but if they are not adapted to your body, then they can also have some side effects. It can also cause permanent damage to your vital organs, so take only those medicines which the doctor has advised you.

Advice on Career and Relationships

When it comes to issues related to your career and relationships, it is up to you to decide and not let others choose your career and life partner. Know everyone's opinion, but choose it according to your ability. If your friend wants to become a doctor, then you should also do the same, it is not necessary. Listen to everyone, but do according to your mind and wish. The same thing is involved in relationships as well. If you don't like someone, then don't get tied up in any kind of relation with him on the advice of your friend or relative.

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