Liver Disease warning symptoms: Liver is such an organ of our body on which the health of the whole body depends. Healthy liver is very important for good health. Due to improper functioning of liver and related diseases, the risk of many major diseases also increases. It has been revealed in many previous studies that liver disease also increases the risk of heart disease. Now in a report regarding the liver, it has been said that even the initial symptoms of liver disease can rapidly increase the risk of heart disease.
Hindustan TimesAccording to the news of the article published in the journal Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine, there is a strong link between heart disease and liver disease.
To find out the relationship between liver disease and heart disease, health experts and researchers compared the FIB4 scores of patients. This score indicates the risk of severe liver disease. In this score, the researchers found that liver disease was directly related to heart disease. Alan Kwan, a cardiologist and cardiac imaging researcher at the Schmidt Heart Institute, said the scope of this earlier research was limited. They only looked at how cirrhosis and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease affect heart disease.
Earlier this year, the American Heart Association released a statement saying that non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is a rapidly growing disease affecting one in four Americans. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease is a major risk factor for atherosclerotic heart disease.
Our overall objective with this study was to investigate the relationship between the heart and the liver, Quan said. He said that the liver processes cholesterol and increasing cholesterol leads to clotting in the blood, which increases the risk of inflammation and heart attack. That's why keeping a close watch on liver related diseases.
Researchers included about 1,668 people suffering from liver related diseases in their study and the records of all these people were examined for about 11 years. It was revealed in the review that about 86 percent of liver patients had some kind of heart related disease. Kwan said that we found in the review that changes in the size of the veins coming out of the heart were also seen in the patients.
The researcher said that when we examine the heart, we usually do not pay attention to liver diseases, but now research has shown that the changing condition of the liver has an effect on our heart and blood cells, so liver tests are done from time to time. Investigations should also be done. In no way can we treat heart and liver as separate organs.