Taliban the 'enemy' of studies! Such a plan was made to remove girls from education - Newztezz - Latest News Today, Breaking News, Top News Headlines, Latest Sports News


Friday, December 23, 2022

Taliban the 'enemy' of studies! Such a plan was made to remove girls from education

Since coming to power, the Taliban have imposed various restrictions regarding women and girls. Let us tell you through a timeline how Taliban has kept girls away from education.

The Taliban government in Afghanistan has banned access to education for women by going to university. The Taliban is being condemned all over the world for this decision. Many Muslim countries, including India, have also criticized the Taliban's decision to remove women from education. Ever since the Taliban assumed power in Afghanistan in August last year, it was feared that this organization could take girls away from education and their freedom. However, the Taliban have gradually turned this apprehension into reality.

However, the thing to note here is that the Taliban had said during their return to power that they would allow women and girls to get education. But turning away from his promise, he slowly started taking such steps, due to which the girls went away from schools, colleges and universities. Taliban have taken steps one by one in about 1.5 years to execute their plans. Let us understand through a timeline how the organization has ended the freedom of girls.

August 2021: As soon as foreign forces led by America left the country, the government supported by western countries fell. President Ashraf Ghani left the country and then the Taliban returned to power in Afghanistan on August 15, 2021. Upon assuming power, the Taliban promised that it would give all rights to women, as well as not violate human rights.

September 2021: Within a month of assuming power, the Taliban showed its true form. It announced on 12 September that women would have to sit separately from male students in universities and colleges. It was also decreed that only female teachers would teach the girls. At the same time, hijab was made an essential part of the dress code.

March 2022: Taliban issued a big decree regarding girls in March as soon as they completed six months of their return to Afghanistan. Secondary schools for girls were to be reopened in March. But on March 23, the Taliban canceled the decision to open the school. In this way, tens of thousands of girls were away from school education. These girls were asked to stay at home instead of going to school.

May 2022: The month from May to November was very important for women in Afghanistan. In fact, on May 7, an order said that now women in the country will have to cover themselves completely in public places. During this, even his face should not be visible. Traveling to another city without a male companion was also banned.

August 2022: Women demonstrated outside the Ministry of Education in Kabul in the month of August to mark the completion of one year of coming to power in Afghanistan. They raised slogans like 'Roti, Kama aur Rozgar'. Women demanded that schools should be opened for girls. But the Taliban crushed these demonstrations.

November 2022: The Taliban banned women from visiting parks, fairs, gyms and public baths. Overall, women were completely confined to homes. At the same time, girls were completely removed from education.

December 2022: The month of December has been very important for the women of Afghanistan. On December 20, Taliban leaders ordered an indefinite ban on women attending universities and getting an education. A day later the girls were barred from going to the university. This decision of Taliban is being condemned worldwide.

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