Corona will explode all over Beijing by the end of January, the study revealed the dreadful truth - Newztezz - Latest News Today, Breaking News, Top News Headlines, Latest Sports News

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Corona will explode all over Beijing by the end of January, the study revealed the dreadful truth

This study has come to the fore at a time when the outbreak of Corona in China is not taking the name of stopping. Everyday lakhs of people are getting infected with Corona while many people are dying.

Corona has caused havocin China . Meanwhile, a new study has revealed that by the end of January, almost all 22 million residents of Beijing will be infected with Corona. According to the study published in the journal Nature Medicine, about 92 per cent of people in Beijing will be infected by the end of January, while about 76 per cent have already been infected by December 22.

This study has come to the fore at a time when the outbreak of Corona in China is not taking the name of stopping. Everyday lakhs of people are getting infected with Corona while many people are dying. After the relaxation of the zero covid policy, the situation in China is getting worse. The study also found that after the policy change, the reproductive rate of the virus increased to 3.44, which means that one person infected with the virus can infect 3.44 others.

Number of deaths due to corona on peak on 23 January

The rapid spread of Corona in China has curbed economic activities in the country and reports of hospitals and cremation grounds being overwhelmed have started coming. Earlier, UK health experts had estimated that there was a possibility of 9,000 deaths a day in China.

UK-based health data firm Airfinity said in a statement that on January 13, the corona cases in China would reach their first peak. During this, 37 lakh people will be infected in a day. At the same time, it was also said that the number of deaths due to corona will be at its peak on January 23, in which 25 thousand people will die every day. In total, 584,000 deaths may occur in China during this period.