Face wash for winter dry skin: The problem of dry skin is common in winter due to which the skin starts to look lifeless and dull. In such a situation, it is very important to choose the right products for skin care. In such a situation, today we have brought many homemade face washes for dry skin. By trying which you can get rid of the stretched, dry and white looking skin of winter. Along with this, you get deep nourished and naturally glowing skin, so let us know which face wash to use for dry skin.
Face wash for dry skin
turmeric and raw milk
For this, mix raw milk and a pinch of turmeric in a bowl. Then you apply this mixture on your face in circulation motion and then wash your face and clean it. This will clean your face naturally.
yogurt and honey
For this, take curd in a bowl and whisk it well. Then you add a little honey to it and mix it. Then apply this paste on your face in circulation motion. After this, you wash it after applying it for about 10-15 minutes.
Glycerin and Olive Oil
For this, mix half a teaspoon of glycerine in one teaspoon of olive oil. Then wash this mixture by applying it on your face for about ten minutes. This will make your dry skin very soft.