In Dibrugarh, Assam, the police have arrested two accused for gang-raping a 14-year-old girl. The accused have been identified as Bhaijaan Ali and Safar Ali. Giving information about the case, the police said that a minor girl was found unconscious in Dibrugarh. Dibrugarh SP Shwetank Mishra told that two people have been arrested for the gang rape of a 14-year-old girl.
Action will be taken against the accused under Section 376 of the POCSO Act 2012. He further said, “Her hands and legs were tied with a rope, and it is suspected that she was gang-raped. She was missing since February 3. The accused will be prosecuted under Section 376 of the POCSO Act, 2012."
Assam | Two people were arrested in Dibrugarh for allegedly gang-raping a 14-year-old girl. The accused have been identified as Bhaijan Ali and Safar Ali. The minor girl was found unconscious near the Athabari tea garden: Dibrugarh SP Shwetank Mishra (05.02)
6 minors were arrested in Assam gangrape case
Last year, the Assam Police arrested 6 people while taking major action in the case of gang rape of a minor girl. According to information, the accused forcibly raped a 13-year-old minor by entering her house. And also allegedly made videos of her. Later the accused also shared that video with their colleagues.
Police said that the age of the arrested accused is 13-15 years. The family members of the victim had registered a case at a police station located in Kalinagar area. The police had arrested all the 6 minors by conducting a search operation.
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