Shahdara DCP Rohit Meena said that on January 29, a 46-year-old man had lodged a complaint with him. The police officer said that the complainant had befriended a woman after calling her on a number given on a social networking site, following which the two started chatting on WhatsApp.
In the capital Delhi , a gang has been exposed on the charge of trapping them in honeytrap through social media. Where Delhi Police arrested four people including a woman. Delhi Police says that the accused used to introduce themselves as police officers and NGO members, after which they used to threaten the victims to implicate them in false cases. It is being told that the accused used to extort money from the victims by pretending to be policemen. At the same time, the police suspect that they have already cheated more than 50 people. At present, the police is investigating the accused.
According to media reports, the police have recovered a car, 4 mobiles, police uniform and other items used in the incident from the accused. In search of gang leader Honey Saxena and other accused, police are constantly raiding their hideouts. Delhi Police says that the accused have been identified as Sunny Suneja, Hemlata, Mohammad Shafiq and Deepak Budhiraja.
Hemlata has already been arrested
At the same time, the accused Sunny Suneja who used to call himself a sub-inspector. Whereas, Mohammad Shafiq, who described himself as an NGO member. Also Deepak Budhiraja, the driver and Hemlata, who was the owner of a beauty parlor in Burari. It is being told that Hemlata has been arrested earlier also on the charges of extortion.
What is the matter?
In this case, DCP (Shahdara) Rohit Meena said that on January 29, a 46-year-old resident of Shahdara lodged a complaint with him. The police officer said that the complainant had befriended a woman after calling her on a number given on a social networking site, following which the two started chatting on WhatsApp.
On January 29, he called the victim to meet him in Seemapuri. During that time the victim reached there with his car. He saw that the woman was standing with one of her friends. Where both sat in the victim's car and took her to an unknown flat in Shalimar Garden. During this, when the victim was talking to the girl, five to six people forcibly entered the flat.
Threatened rape and demanded Rs 10 lakh
During this, the victim told in the complaint given to the police that a miscreant in the flat called himself a policeman. Whereas, the other called himself an officer of the Crime Branch. At the same time, the third person told the officer of the NGO. After this, threatening to implicate all the accused in a false case of rape, they demanded Rs 10 lakh from him. In such a situation, when the young man refused to give the money, the accused beat him up. Wherein, when 2 accused miscreants took the victim from his car to Seemapuri to get the money. During this, on the noise of the victim, the local people caught Sunny, while his accomplice fled from the spot.
The accused made big revelations during interrogation
As soon as the incident was reported, the police reached the spot and brought the accused with them to the police station. When the police questioned the accused Sunny, the accused said that he had nothing to do with this gang. Where he was asked by Honey Saxena to pretend to be a policeman. Sunny told that he was not aware that what was going on in the flat was real. At present, the police is looking for the accused Honey Saxena.
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