Anupam Kher Statement on Kangana Ranaut: Not even 10 days have passed since the release of Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan's film Pathan and this movie is being liked worldwide. The film has earned a lot at the box office as well. Everyone is praising him but there is one person who has constantly surrounded Shahrukh Khan. We are talking about Kangana Ranaut who is making a comeback on Twitter. These days she is in discussion due to her statements and is attacking the success of the film Pathan. Recently, he had reacted to the tweet of a woman who had praised Pathan. His tweet was directly targeting Muslims. Now Anupam Kher has reacted on this.
Anupam Kher said during a media interview- “I think art has its own place and religion has its own. No one goes to watch a film because of religion, only because of art. You don't go to temples, mosques and gurudwaras after watching a film. You go because you have full faith in your religion. I think you have every right to talk about your faith but I don't think anyone would decide to say something like that."
Very good analysis… this country has only and only loved all Khans and at times only and only Khans…And obsessed over Muslim actresses, so it’s very unfair to accuse India of hate and fascism … there is no country like Bharat 🇮🇳 in the whole world 🥰🙏
This was Kangana's statement
Actually a person had praised the film Pathan. Commenting on this, Kangana had said that- "Very good description, this country has liked only and only Khan. All Khans have always been liked. Along with this, Muslim actresses have also been given more attention than ever. That's why it is wrong to say that the people of this country have a sense of jealousy in their mind. There is no other country like India in the whole world.
Anupam Kher made body for upcoming film
After this tweet of Kangana Ranaut, many people objected to her. Urfi Javed reacted to this. Now Anupam Kher's statement has also come on this. Please tell that Anupam Kher is in discussion about his next film. He will be seen playing the lead role in Shiv Shastri Balboa. He has worked very hard for this film and has changed his entire body physique. On the other hand, talking about the film Pathan, this movie is also earning well and is moving fast towards joining the club of 1000 crores globally.
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