Kissing Day: 20,160 minutes of life are in the name of kissing, relieves stress and makes you feel good - Newztezz - Latest News Today, Breaking News, Top News Headlines, Latest Sports News


Monday, February 13, 2023

Kissing Day: 20,160 minutes of life are in the name of kissing, relieves stress and makes you feel good

Today is Kissing Day in Valentine's Week. By the way, the history of kissing is probably as old as human history. It is considered in the natural tendencies of human beings. Although there have been big controversies and big debates about kissing. Kissing has been recognized in some religions, while in some places it is strictly prohibited.

There is a whole science behind kissing. why do we like it

Which chemicals and elements are exchanged. how many calories are burned

Kissing is mentioned in the Vedas and scriptures from 2500 years ago in India.

There is also a day of Kissing Day in Valentine's Week i.e. Kissing Day. There is a whole science behind kissing. Scientists say that 80 million bacteria are also exchanged in a 10-second kiss. It has its advantages as well as disadvantages.

It is said that shaking hands more than kissing increases the risk of infection. By the way, science says that there are benefits of kissing too. According to Vagan Bryant, anthropologist at Texas A&M University, the word kiss has been mentioned in the Vedas, culture books and writings 3500 years ago. It is found in books or ancient articles related to all three Hindu, Jain and Buddhist.

Our first experience of love is related to the lips only. The way a child uses his lips while drinking mother's milk or milk from a bottle, it is very similar to kissing. These very initial things create a path in the child's brain connected to the neural / nerves, which creates a positive feeling in the mind regarding kissing.


Our lips are the most exposed part of the body that arouses sensuality. The lips of humans, apart from the rest of the animals, are turned outward. They are full of sensitive nerves, that's why even their slightest touch sends signals to our brain and we feel good.

A big part of the brain gets activated

Kissing activates a big part of our brain that deals with sensory information. Understand that suddenly our mind starts working. It starts wondering what the next step is going to be. Kiss's magic is such that our body's hormones and neurotransmitters start spinning like a washing machine. Our thinking and feelings start getting affected.

When two people kiss

on the lips, an average of 9 milligrams of water, .7 milligrams of protein, .18 milligrams of organic compounds, .71 milligrams of various fats, and .45 milligrams of sodium chloride are exchanged. is provided. Kissing also works to burn calories. It is said that a kissing couple spends 2 to 26 calories per minute and about 30 different types of muscles are used while achieving this pleasure.

In many cultures, this sin

is also sometimes called kissing as exchange of spit. But it is a matter of knowing when this good looking 'strange' work started. It is said that in the West this work had started 2000 years ago. And a 2015 study says that out of 168 cultures, less than half accept lip-to-lip sync. In many cultures it is still a 'sin'.

What is the relationship between kissing and pheromones?

A study says that women pay a lot of attention to the way they kiss while choosing their partner. At the same time, it is also believed that kissing brings two people so close that they can also check each other's pheromones.

Pheromones are actually the chemical that produces different smells. Although this chemical works more in animals, but it is believed that it also works in human interaction. Means while kissing someone, we reach that smell which separates that person from the other. Sometimes we like that smell and sometimes we stop kissing that person because of that.

Relationship becomes strong

Kissing is considered a pleasant activity. It is also necessary for physical relations. It is helpful in maintaining love and togetherness. Strengthens relationship with partner.

Stress reduces

Kissing your partner releases such chemicals from the brain, which calm the mind. This not only reduces stress but also refreshes the mind.

Psychology Today says, we spend 20,160 minutes of our lives kissing our partners. Men generally like to kiss before sex and women after sex.

How many calories are burned

Kissing burns calories, which boosts metabolism. By the way, a quick kiss burns 02-03 calories, whereas an intense kiss burns 05 or more calories. It also depends on its duration and method.

Keep your mouth healthy.

The saliva in our mouth contains substances that fight against bacteria, viruses etc. That's why by kissing our mouth, teeth and gums remain healthy.

Immunity increases

Our immunity also gets strengthened by coming in contact with the germs living in the mouth of our partner.


of Kissing Kissing can spread some diseases easily

– Through droplets from the throat and nose

– Some infected droplets are also in the air, when you inhale infected droplets, you can become ill Some infected particles

from the nose and throat can remain in the air for a long time because of their small size. They are called droplet nuclei. They can enter directly into the lungs. This can cause disease.

Various types of infections

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