A very painful case has come to light from Gobichettipalayam in Erode district of Tamil Nadu . Here, when the police opened the door of a house on Sunday evening, they were shocked. Actually they found 2 dead bodies from that house, which were completely rotten and melted. This matter came to light when the neighbors started smelling bad from that house. After this, he told the police about this matter. The deceased have been identified as Mohansundaram, 74, and his mother-in-law, Kangambal, 81. Police say that both died of starvation a week ago.
Police further said that Mohansundaram, his 61-year-old wife Shanti, their mentally challenged son and Kangambal lived in the same house. He also has a daughter, who got married and has settled in Tirupur district.
Preliminary investigation revealed that Mohansundaram was bedridden due to old age ailments and was unable to work. Shanti used to work by begging. Later she also fell ill and she was unable to go out.
Police said that Shanti and her son Shravankumar did not have enough money to perform the last rites, so they left the bodies lying at home. Later the police cremated the dead bodies. A case has been registered in this matter and the investigation is on.
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