Siddharth Malhotra and Kiara Advani, who are counted among the most beautiful couple of Bollywood, will take seven rounds today. Sid-Kiara's love is going to tie the knot today. This incomplete love story of the film 'Sher Shah' is going to be completed in real life, seeing which the fans are very happy. This beautiful couple is going to tie the knot at Suryagarh Palace in Jaisalmer. Yesterday, the entire palace was decorated in pink color for the music ceremony. Fans are now waiting for the wedding pictures of both. Siddharth-Kiara's love blossomed during the film Sher Shah. With time, this relationship became firm and now both are going to be bound in the bond of birth after birth. This couple is going to get married in the luxurious palace of Jaisalmer.
Siddharth-Kiara's Royal Wedding
From businessmen to many Bollywood stars have arrived for Siddharth-Kiara's royal wedding. The cost of one night for a room in Suryagarh Palace is Rs 1.5 lakh. Siddharth-Kiara has booked 84 rooms of the palace for their guests. Along with staying in the palace, there is complete arrangement for the comfort of the guests. Spa facility is also given to the guests in the luxurious rooms here. That means guests will be able to relax amidst the fun and frolic of the wedding.
Siddharth-Kiara's marriage will be full of adventure
Guests will also get a chance to go on a desert safari at the Suryagarh Palace in Jaisalmer. At the same time, the food in the wedding will also be royal. Traditional Rajasthani dishes like Dal Bati Churma will be served to the guests in the menu. Apart from this, Punjabi, Thai, Chinese and Korean dishes will also be included.
Stars attend Sid-Kiara's wedding
Famous Bollywood stars have arrived at the destination wedding of Siddharth and Kiara. Ambani family members Isha Ambani and Anand Piramal have attended the wedding, while Karan Johar, Shahid Kapoor, designers Manish Malhotra and Juhi Chawla have arrived from Bollywood to be a part of the wedding.
Siddharth Kiara's music ceremony
Siddharth-Kiara's sangeet ceremony took place on February 6, where the Suryagarh Palace was decorated in pink like a bride. At the same time, the film industry's favorite mehndi artist Veena Nagda has reached Jaisalmer to create mehndi. It is reported that today i.e. on February 7, this couple will take seven rounds. However, there is no plan of this couple to go on honeymoon right now. After marriage, the rituals will be completed by the family. It is reported that there will be a wedding reception of Siddharth-Kiara on February 12 in Mumbai.
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