World Cancer Day: Why cancer disease is increasing rapidly in India? Expert told these reasons - Newztezz - Latest News Today, Breaking News, Top News Headlines, Latest Sports News


Saturday, February 4, 2023

World Cancer Day: Why cancer disease is increasing rapidly in India? Expert told these reasons

Cancer disease:
Dr. Anshuman says that if cancer prevention is not done from now and people do not take this disease seriously, then this disease can increase a lot in the coming years.

Cancer in India: Today World Cancer Day is being celebrated all over the world. The purpose of celebrating this day is to make people aware of cancer disease. This day is being celebrated for the past several decades, but only one day this disease is mentioned and then people forget everything. This is the reason why cancer cases are increasing rapidly all over the world. In India too, the situation is taking a dire form. Cancer is the leading cause of death among non-communicable diseases.

One out of every 10 people in India is at risk of cancer. Experts say that if adequate steps are not taken for the prevention of cancer in the country, then by the year 2025, this disease can take the form of an epidemic in the country.

Now it is also important to know the reasons behind it. Why is cancer disease increasing in the country? How can it be controlled> To know the answers to many such questions, we have talked to the country's renowned cancer surgeon Dr. Anshuman Kumar .

Why are cancer cases increasing?

Answering this question, Dr. Anshuman says that the biggest reason for the increase of cancer is wrong eating habits and poor lifestyle of the people. The trend of fast food has increased in the last few years. Due to the addiction of social media and phones, the lifestyle of the people has also deteriorated. The sleep-wake pattern is disturbed. Physical activity has decreased. Due to all these reasons cancer is increasing. It is a matter of concern that people are not able to identify the symptoms of cancer in time. Due to which this disease reaches the last stage. In such a situation, the treatment of patients becomes very difficult.

Dr. Kumar says that the initial symptoms of cancer are like any normal disease. Such as upset stomach, bleeding from teeth and gums, change in voice and cough for a few weeks etc. In such problems, people take medicines from doctors and get relief for a few days, but if these symptoms persist even after three weeks, then you should go for cancer screening. But most of the people do not do this and continue to work for the disease by taking antibiotics or other medicines from different doctors, due to which cancer continues to grow in the body and one day it becomes fatal.

Threat of becoming an epidemic by 2025

Dr. Anshuman says that if cancer prevention is not done from now and people do not take this disease seriously, then this disease can increase a lot in the coming years. It has been claimed in many reports that by 2025, India can become the global cancer capital and cancer disease can take the form of an epidemic here. Therefore, if it is not handled now, then it will be too late in the coming few years.

how to prevent cancer

There is a misconception among people that there is no cure for cancer. That's why when cancer is detected in a person, he feels that life will end now. In such a situation, people start going around to local remedies or Babas. But this does not help, rather the situation starts becoming more dangerous.

People are advised not to pay attention to any wrong information regarding cancer. If you are seeing the symptoms of this disease, then get it checked immediately. If cancer is confirmed then contact the doctors. Do not be careless in this matter. Along with this, it is also important to fix your diet. Include protein vitamins in the diet. Avoid junk food and follow a good lifestyle.

Cancer screening and treatment resources will have to be increased

At the end of the conversation, Dr. Anshuman says that resources have to be increased for cancer detection, treatment and prevention. There are only a few big government hospitals for cancer treatment in the country, treatment in private hospitals is accessible to most of the patients. Is out of. Cancer screening is also not available everywhere. In such a situation, it is necessary that new hospitals should be built for the prevention of cancer. This will reduce the burden of patients in big government hospitals and cancer treatment will be done on time. People should also be made aware of cancer. For this, there is a need to run a campaign on a war footing, not once a year.

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